
Horses and more horses

Richest race of the world it was here. A poster for newspaper, part of the campaign for Dubai World Cup 2011
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Hey, happy birthday to you!

Finally I can breath at least for a week, today is the first day of Abu Dhabi Grand Prix 2010 and I’m here holding the checkered flag!. At the same time an F1 infographic supplement -forty colorful pages- is published in Dubai. Take a look at some of them, which symbolize’
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THE FINAL FOUR: FWC2010 infographics

About three months of researching, planning and production; and a team of journalists, designers, illustrators, editors and translators involved, were needed to move the project forward. Here some samples of our final product.,  You can read more about it here: http://www.snd.org/2010
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The World Cup football players illustrated

The most representative player of each team was chosen to illustrate the pages of the 32 participant countries. A combination of traditional and digital ilustration were used to develop the 48 pages of the World Cup 2010 infographics supplement.
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Happy National Day in UAE

Again we are “cooking” an special graphics with Al Bayan graphics team. I’m enjoying each project with them, and now, we are using extra tea for it!   Different types of tea which gave us a wonderful  scale of warm colors. You can do it at home.
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The Queen is coming…

QE2 will be here in Dubai next 27th, we have prepared to welcome her a graphic that can be used as a reference for anyone who is interested to know about this emblematic ocean liner.
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Red Bull in Abu Dhabi 2008

Emirates Business 24/7 Weekend Edition
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