
Starting 2014 with a flying visit to Augsburg

On a recent trip to Europe, I took the opportunity to drop by Michael Stoll’s office at the Augsburg University of Applied Sciences in Germany. Michael kindly showed me around his workplace, a laboratory and library of visual communications. This man’s collection of vintage graphics i
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More thoughts on a visual lingua franca – It’s not like nobody tried…

Do you read me? Up until relatively recently, words ruled public discourse in the form of writing and speech. The appearance of television and digital media changed this. In some areas, especially popular culture and news, the relationship between words and images even flipped, making
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Thoughts on a visual lingua franca – Dreaming of total understanding

  A city like Dubai, home to people from around 200 different countries AND the world’s highest skyscraper, readily lends itself to analogies with the story of the Tower of Babel. Any given day, you are interacting with people who speak a dozen different languages, trying to make
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