
Starting 2014 with a flying visit to Augsburg

On a recent trip to Europe, I took the opportunity to drop by Michael Stoll’s office at the Augsburg University of Applied Sciences in Germany. Michael kindly showed me around his workplace, a laboratory and library of visual communications. This man’s collection of vintage graphics i
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Hug the mailman: Choi’s Gallery book about infographics finally arrives

  The other week something rather exciting landed on our desk: Choi’s Gallery’s new book, Infographic Design, a global portfolio of infographics projects, featuring five projects realised by us. 232-pages full of inspiration, including case studies ranging from the so
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Happy autumn, everyone: infographics events in Cleveland, India and Beirut

Things we look forward to this fall: The annual workshop held by the Society of News Design kicks off in Cleveland, United States, in just two days! Apart from the general meeting of SND officers and board members, the workshop also includes free sessions for students, an iPad design
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Fine art, motion graphics and cross media: how we did London 2012

Here we are with the finished print component of our Olympics project, fresh from the printer’s. Like last time, we made a 52-page, standard size print supplement, which came out on the opening day of the Games. But this time we added a few different elements to the mix.  Click
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And now…

… for something slightly different. Yes, it’s been a while since the last post, but, finally, the time has come. Not just for the next blog post, but for a slight change of direction: as of now, this is no longer ‘just’ a portfolio site. From now on, my team and I (aka the
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